Craft Fair


The Craft Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2, 2000 at Founders Day. No pre-registration is required before NOAC; however, Arrowmen who wish to display their crafts must register with the American Indian Activities Committee booth on Saturday, July 29, 2000.

All Craft Fair entries must be made by Arrowmen, under the age of 21, who are registered conference participants. There is a limit of two entries per participant, and all entries will be judged on the quality of workmanship and authenticity.

Craft Fair categories are:

  1. Beadwork (moccasins, harness sets, cuffs, etc.)
  2. Quill Work
  3. Feather Work (small items)
  4. Bustles
  5. Head Wear (roaches, bonnets)
  6. Potpourri (Misc. items not fitting in above categories)

Any questions about the Craft Fair may be addressed to:
Nina Dukes
915 Washington Ave.
Findlay, OH 45840-5053.

[American Indian Activities Committee]

[Letter from the CVC] [Individual Dance Competition Rules] [Group Dance Competition Rules] [Group Dance Competition Judging Crieria] [Team Singing Competition Rules] [Craft Fair Guidelines] [Outfit Competition Criteria]

Revised 5/2/00.