Included in our program at the National Conference will be American Indian Singing competition. Our hope in having this competition is that more groups will be interested in getting involved in singing American Indian songs. The singing competition will be held on Tuesday, August 1, 2000.
Singing will be done in team fashion. Teams will be required to sing two (2) songs and are required to submit written documentation on the songs with their pre-registration form.
Awards will be given to the top teams. The judging criteria shown below are guidelines that are subject to the interpretation of the judging committee. All judges' decisions are final.
EACH LODGE IS REQUIRED TO BRING ITS OWN DRUM AND DRUMSTICKS. The following rules apply to the Singing Competition:
[American Indian Activities Committee]
[Letter from the CVC] [Individual Dance Competition Rules] [Group Dance Competition Rules] [Group Dance Competition Judging Crieria] [Team Singing Competition Rules] [Craft Fair Guidelines] [Outfit Competition Criteria]
Revised 5/31/00.