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The First Full Day
A message from the Web Team Chairman.

Arrowmen participate in a variety of training sessions to improve their skills in their lodge.

See many of the events that Arrowmen are participating in.

OA Trail Crew Reunion
The OA Trail Crew has been working on trails at Philmont Scout ranch since 1995.

Meet the Arrowmen
Meet some of the Arrowmen at the conference.

See what Arrowmen are saying during the conference.

National Convention of Lodge Chiefs and Lodge Advisers
A meeting of all the lodge chiefs and lodge advisers from across the nation.

VIA: Very Important Arrowmen Luncheon
The Lodge Chief and the youngest youth of each lodge is invited to attend this luncheon.

OA Museum
See a history of the Order and many items that have been sold throughout the years.

Revised 8/07/98