
“Faster, higher, more fun” – Wayne Perry, our new national president.

by Monchen Kao

Wayne Perry currently serves as the 34th president of the Boy Scouts of America. Only a Scout for a brief time as a youth, Wayne’s first serious involvement in Scouting was as a Cubmaster for his four sons in Bellevue, Washington; his involvement in Scouting continued to grow with his sons. First with his local troop and district, Mr. Perry became increasingly immersed in Scouting, working in many positions, including service as president of his council, region, and now the national council; he also served for three years as our international commissioner, representing the Boy Scouts of America around the world.

Today, Mr. Perry still lives in the Seattle area, where he is part owner of the Seattle Mariners. He is a member of T’kope Kwiskwis Lodge in Chief Seattle Council and is a strong supporter of the Order of the Arrow. Having experienced the massive success of programs like ArrowCorps5, Wayne is excited by how the Order has stepped up in recent years and shown that it is more deserving of support and focus than ever. “The Order is just doing a lot more, and when that happens, you pay attention to this group of people who are just doing a great job,” he said.

Mr. Perry is glad to be at NOAC, his first national conference. This is also the first time that a national president has attended NOAC. Mr. Perry is proud to break that trend, and to be joined this week by the other two members of the BSA’s National Key 3, National Comissioner Tico Perez and Chief Scout Executive Wayne Brock.

In the future, Mr. Perry sees the BSA continuing its work on the Journey to Excellence program, the Summit Bechtel Reserve, and expanding its online content and interactivity with local Scouts. While dedicated to keeping Scouting true to its core principles – “No change to the Scout Law, no change to the Scout Oath, no change on Youth Protection or on Safe Swim Defense” – Mr. Perry sees a lot of room for growth and change in the BSA, “I think we have a fabulous program, but it’s gotta be faster, it’s gotta be higher, it’s just gotta be more fun.” In the end, Wayne Perry’s message is one of growth through safe adventure. “No changes to the fundamentals that keep kids safe. But within that, you can do a lot more.”

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Be Present at Founders Day to Celebrate the Past and Future

Published on August 1, 2012 by in NOAC, Wednesday

Banners, totems, mascots, a parade, and an Olympian lighting the torch will begin the Founders Day festivities this Friday. At 8 a.m. on all of the excitement will begin on Frank Young Field.

After that, according to Founders Day Conference Vice Chief Frank Gamez of O-Shot-Caw Lodge, the Goodman Games will commence featuring leadership and team-building contests and other fun activities.

Gamez says no pre-registration is required to compete.  Guests can enter as individuals or as a group; they don’t have to sign up in advance or remain together as a contingent.

As the Goodman Games draw to a close, Guests will enjoy a picnic lunch at Munn Field, followed by the Founders Fair in the afternoon.

“Lodges will have their display booths with fun activities and give-aways from their respective geographic locations,” Gamez says.  “We’ll also have give-aways and live entertainment throughout the day.”

Guests should bring a plain T-shirt to be decorated with a special design commemorating attendance at Founders Day and declaring our commitment to leaving a legacy.

Gamez says Founders Day is dedicated to the Arrowmen who made our Order what it is today.  “Everyone who comes to NOAC and Founders Day is part of that legacy and we are the future.”

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Wednesday Geocache Locations

Wednesday’s Geocache Locations are:

N42 deg 43.821min W084 deg 28.994 min
N42 deg 43.919 min W084 deg 28.932 min
N42 deg 43.853 min W084 deg 28.678 min
N42 deg 43.749 min W084 deg 28.625 min


  • You are looking for ammunition boxes.
  • Good geocachers put the cache back where they found it, and Leave No Trace.
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