The NOAC Legacy Speaker Series began yesterday with a presentation by the Key Three of the Boy Scouts of America and Eleanor Clark, author of The Legacy of Lord Baden-Powell. The Legacy Series invites distinguished Americans to come and talk about the legacy they have left and to answer questions from interested Arrowmen. “Our theme is ‘United we leave a legacy,’” says Josh Hone, conference vice chief of special events. “So we want to contextualize it in real people’s lives. And we think the legacies that certain people have been able to lead in their own lives will provide unique insight to any Arrowmen.”
The speakers for today will include distinguished Eagle Scouts in a variety of fields, including an Olympic Gold Medalist. The series will be from 1:00 – 3:00 in the Kellogg Auditorium.
“Our theme is ‘United we leave a legacy.’ So we want to contextualize it in real people’s live. And we think the legacies that certain people have been able to lead in their own lives will provide unique insight to any Arrowmen.”
- Josh Hone, Conference Vice Chief of Special Events.