Ceremony Team Evaluation Details

Schedule of Ceremonies
Evaluation Procedures


The 2000 NOAC Inductions and Ceremonial Events Committee has established the rules and procedures for the 2000 NOAC Ceremony Team Evaluation. Please read the information in these pages very carefully! EVERY LODGE IS EXPECTED TO ENTER AT LEAST ONE TEAM IN THE CALL-OUT, PRE-ORDEAL, ORDEAL, BROTHERHOOD, AND/OR VIGIL HONOR CEREMONY EVALUATION! This will be an outstanding opportunity to improve your lodge's ceremonies. Each team will have an opportunity to see and hear others in action and to share performance techniques with other ceremonialists. Trained NOAC staff evaluators will lead evaluation sessions with all teams. Each team will receive written comments, their final rating, and recognition immediately after their evaluation.


Ceremony team evaluations will be scheduled on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, from 9am-12pm and 1pm-5pm each day.

CALL-OUT CEREMONY - Your team will be expected to perform a call-out ceremony that upholds the principles set forth in the Guide for Officers and Advisers (page 27-28 of the 1999 Revision, BSA Number 34997A). Please provide the evaluation team with two (2) copies of your script.

PRE-ORDEAL CEREMONY - Your team will be expected to perform the entire Pre-Ordeal Ceremony including the investing (pages 3 to 10, Ceremony for the Ordeal, BSA Number 34993, 1999 Printing).

ORDEAL CEREMONY - Your team will be expected to perform the entire Ordeal Ceremony (pages 11 to 20, Ceremony for the Ordeal, BSA Number 34993, 1999 Printing)

BROTHERHOOD CEREMONY - Your team will be expected to perform the entire Brotherhood Ceremony (pages 5 to 15, Ceremony for the Brotherhood, BSA Number 34994, 1999 Printing).

VIGIL HONOR CEREMONY - The Pre-Vigil (pages 6 to 7, Chief only, Ceremony for the Vigil Honor, BSA Number 34043, 1999 Printing) will be evaluated. Peer evaluation will be used for the Vigil Honor Ceremony.


When entering the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, or Brotherhood Ceremony evaluation, your team will perform in front of two other teams and the NOAC evaluators. Evaluation sessions will last approximately three hours. All three teams will arrive at the same time at the designated site, check-in with their evaluators, and meet the other teams. One team will perform the ceremony while the other two teams observe. Then there will be a break so that all team members and evaluators have an opportunity to make some written notes about each team's performance.

We encourage you to bring your own audio or videotaping equipment to the conference so you can tape your team's performance. You can also audio tape the evaluation discussion if you desire. This will allow you to bring the information back home with you.

After all three teams have performed the evaluators and teams hold an evaluation session. We will ask all participants to offer open, honest critiques of each team's performance under the guidance of the evaluators. This is the most valuable part of the process. All teams that fully participate in this process will leave NOAC prepared to inspire candidates with their newly learned knowledge and deepened commitment to ceremonies.

The evaluators will announce their decisions immediately after the evaluation period. Medallists will know their final score immediately and earned medals will be presented. All teams will receive written comments at the end of the session.

Your team's score will not depend on the performance of any other team. We urge you to read the evaluation criteria carefully and let it be your guide in preparing for the 2000 NOAC Ceremony Team Evaluations.

Each Vigil Honor venue will choose the medallists based on peer evaluation under the guidance of NOAC staff evaluators.

The Call-Out evaluations will be run by NOAC staff evaluators in a similar manner to the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal, and Brotherhood.

On Founder's Day (Wednesday, August 2, 2000), selected medallists will have an opportunity to perform in a National Showcase so that all NOAC participants can watch some of the truly outstanding ceremonies. Finally, the medallist teams may be recognized on stage at a show.

The Induction and Ceremonial Events Committee members sincerely hope that all lodges will support and participate in the 2000 NOAC Ceremony Team Evaluation. More importantly, Arrowmen who come from lodges that need improvement with their ceremonies will get help from more experienced ceremonial teams and evaluators. This will help all lodges improve their ceremonies. Good luck. We hope to see your team performing at the conference!

Inductions & Ceremonial Events Committee | Invitation Letter From the CVC | Ceremony Evaluation Details | Ceremony Evaluation Guidelines | Ceremony Evaluation Criteria | Ceremony Evaluation Definitions

Revised 3/27/00.