"Brothers, we are ready."
With these words, Allowat Sakima opens the Pre-Ordeal ceremony. It is the expression of the willing and cheerful service of our Order, and sets the tone for the candidate's Journey that follows.
Some Arrowmen thought that receiving their Ordeal sash was the end of their Journey in our Brotherhood. Others sealed their membership after ten months and slowly faded away. Those who remain vigilant are highly honored for their service and leadership to Scouting or the Order. At each fork in this arduous trail there are many inviting places to stop and rest. However, if you stop you might never start again. We who come to this realization know that our Journey never ends, and no one, not even ourselves, will know of our ultimate success or failure in our lifetime.
The OA ceremonies are the map and compass for your Journey. They are the embodiment of the principles of the Order, and a physical reminder of our Obligation. They are as Meteu said: "All the natural world around you shows you clearly your reflection." By knowing even the most basic symbolism and meaning within the ceremonies, you can be better prepared to face the challenges of the Ordeal as they come in different forms throughout your life. The ceremonies tell what you have been through, as well as what is to come.
The mission of the Inductions & Ceremonial Events (ICE) committee is to make a significant impact on the quality of ceremonies in the Order of the Arrow. We will accomplish this through the training and evaluation of Arrowmen like you at the 2000 NOAC at the University of Tennessee. By participating in training and performance evaluations at NOAC, you as an Arrowman can acquire a better understanding of the ceremonies and how they apply to you, your lodge or council, and even the "natural world around you."
Brother, are you ready?
Yours ever cheerfully,
Bob Crume
CVC for Inductions & Ceremonial Events
2000 National Order of the Arrow Conference
Inductions & Ceremonial Events Committee | Invitation Letter From the CVC | Ceremony Evaluation Details | Ceremony Evaluation Guidelines | Ceremony Evaluation Criteria | Ceremony Evaluation Definitions
Revised 3/27/00.