Ceremony Team Photos

A certificate will be provided for each Arrowman participating in ceremony evaluations.  If you would like to have your team photo on the certificate, follow the instructions below.

Please submit a 4"x 6" color photograph, in full regalia, for each team, and an individual photo for each Vigil Honor participant. (A 4"x6" photo is preferred, but 3.5"x5" to 8"x10" will be accepted) NOTE: Photos will not be returned. On the back of each photo, using felt tip pen, include lodge name, lodge number, ceremony, first and last name of each member in photo, and part played.

If you have a high-resolution digital photo, please submit it on a 3.5" diskette and in .JPG format. Rename each file to reflect the ceremony it is for, such as PO1.JPG, PO2.JPG, BTH.JPG, VH.JPG, etc. On the disk label, write lodge name, lodge number & file name(s). On a sheet of paper write the same info as photos above and note which file corresponds to that info. Fold and wrap paper around disk with tape or rubber band.

As an alternative, you may email digital photos to khayashi@uswest.net. Please include the same information with emailed photos.

For last minute team member changes, digital photos will be taken at NOAC on Saturday only. Please inform ceremony registration of changes and requests. You can submit a new photo at that time also.

Submit photos by July 22nd to:
        Ken Hayashi
        19239 98th Ave S
        Renton, WA 98055

Inductions & Ceremonial Events Committee | Invitation Letter From the CVC | Ceremony Evaluation Details | Ceremony Evaluation Guidelines | Ceremony Evaluation Criteria | Ceremony Evaluation Definitions

Revised 07/11/00