
Check in, see your schedule with the NOAC Live Facebook Portal

A new feature of the NOAC Live website ( allows guests to review their schedule and check in on Facebook. After logging in to the NOAC Live Facebook Portal with a Facebook account, guests will be greeted with the current weather, upcoming events, important announcements, and their upcoming classes. Additionally, the Portal will allow participants to “check in” to classes and nearby places.

To use the NOAC Live Facebook Portal, click the “Portal” link at the bottom of the NOAC Live website and sign in with your Facebook account.

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Welcome to NOAC!

Welcome to Michigan State University!

Many of you have traveled great distances to experience the Order’s premier national event, and your staff plans to make your trip worth every mile traveled. Whether this is your first conference or your fifth, we hope that you will find this week to be a very memorable experience.

Our challenge to you, as a guest at this conference, is to take advantage of the many opportunities that are available to you. Get out and meet new people from across the country. Explore the campus and participate in the dynamic activities occurring during the day. There is truly something for everyone: insightful training, sports competitions, and recreational activities. You will not want to miss the Adventure Central, American Indian Activities, Inductions and Ceremonial Events, and all of the other excellent programs being offered.

Enjoy some Scouting history through the NOAC Museum and the NESA exhibit, one of this year’s unique features in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Eagle Scout.

And of course, keeping in mind our conference theme United, We Leave A Legacy, we can work to better understand the power of within us individually, the power of those we serve with, and the power that we possess when we come together to make an impact on the world around us.

Thanks for joining us at NOAC 2012!

Yours in Service,

John and Preston

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Grab Your Smart Phone and Participate in the Munzee Legacy

Published on July 30, 2012 by in Featured, NOAC

A new social scavenger hunt is coming to NOAC 2012! Regions, sections, lodges and Arrowman will be competing during the conference to see who can earn the most points and win fabulous prizes through the Munzee Legacy game!!!

Arrowmen earn points by capturing munzees, which are special QR codes that need to be scanned with a smart phone and the Munzee App. Munzees will be found around the campus of Michigan State University as you attend conference events. Also, each participant will receive a personal munzee in your registration packet that may be shared with other guests which will lead to more points.

To participate in the Munzee Legacy, Arrowmen need a smart phone and the Munzee App. The Munzee App is a free download. It is best to download the app before arriving on campus.

Reminder to Arrowmen with an iPhone: you will need to install the Munzee App through iTunes and using the iPhone data cable.


Steps to Get Started with Munzee

  1. You need a smart phone (iPhone 3GS or higher with iOS 5, or Android).
  2. Next you need to download and install the appropriate app for your phone.
    1. If you have challenges installing the Munzee App, please contact the Munzee staff at support@munzee.comiPhone
  3. Launch the Munzee App
  4.  An account has already been creaetd for you!  Simply log in with the username and password used with the NOAC Registration system.
    1. If your password does not work, reset your munzee password here:
  5. Once the Munzee App launches, press the Capture button and test the App by scanning the barcode below:

That is it!  You are all set to start earning points when you arrive on campus.  Good luck!!!

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