Items updated
after initial posting
Web Chair's Comments
DSA Recipients
The Distinguished Service Award was presented at the Monday
evening show to 36 recipients. Find out more about them.
Ceremony Evaluation
Lodge ceremony teams receive comments from evaluators, other teams and the audience.
High Adventure Expo
The High Adventure Expo, showcasing vendors and displays that appeal to
Scouting and the Order of the Arrow, began today.
NOAC Today
Find out more about NOAC Today, which is the official newspaper of the Conference.
OA Trail Crew / Wilderness Voyage Reunion
Arrowmen who have participated in the Philmont Trail Crew
or Northern Tier Wilderness Voyage programs met for a reunion.
Sports Competition Results
Find out the winners of the sports competitions at NOAC.
Meet the Man
Members of the National Order of the Arrow Committee met to answer questions from participants.
Region Chiefs
Find out more about the four Region Chiefs.
Section Leadership Dinner
Section officers and advisers attended a special dinner.
Camp Promotion Extravaganza
Lodges demonstrate promotion of local council Scout camps.
Service Lodge
Pellissippi Lodge 230 gets the job done.
American Indian Show
Finest American Indian dancers and singers were featured in the evening show.
Additional Highlight Videos
Highlights videos are now available from Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Revised 8/25/00